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葡萄白粉病( Uncinula necator )是造成云南葡萄减产品质降低的主要病害之一,特别是在金沙江干热河谷早熟葡萄产区,白粉病的流行会使葡萄减产30%,严重减产50%。通过田间试验对几种药剂对葡萄白粉病防效进行比较,从而选出防效较好的药剂。第1次药后7d,新高脂膜粉剂防治效果最高,达42.92%。第2、3、4次药后,15%三唑酮防治效果最高,分别达到51.50%、57.86%、51.81%,其余生物药剂防治效果都未达到50%,存在显著性差异。  相似文献   
通过对有机肥与化肥配合施用田间试验结果分析,我市水稻上有机肥部分替代化肥的适宜比例以有机氮与无机氮比为1:9,这样可有效减少化肥施用,达到化肥减量增效的目的。  相似文献   
为研究水肥一体化技术中的水肥混合特性,以流体力学中的两相流理论为基础,针对水肥混合过程中混合时间、混合区间长度、流速及管径对其混合效果的影响进行相应的数值模拟研究。结果表明,混合时间及混合区间长度越长有利于提高水肥混合效果及最终水肥混合均匀性;水肥流速比较低时管内水肥混合的均匀性较好,且水肥流速越大则其混合效果及均匀性越好;水肥流速较低时输水管及输肥管的管径比对水肥混合均匀性的影响较大,两者管径比越小则混合效果越好,随着流速的提高两者管径比对其混合效果的影响逐渐减弱。  相似文献   
As one of the top three tuber crops of the world, cassava is a staple food and feed crop for tropical and subtropical regions. Because of its high drought resistance and tolerance to nutrient deficiency, cassava is usually cultivated on hilly areas that are nutrient-poor. Nitrogen(N) is one of the significant factors affecting cassava yield. A double factorial(N level×genotypes) split-plot field experiment was conducted to analyze differences in yield and N accumulation of 25 cassava genotypes under low-N conditions to screen for cassava genotypes with high-N efficiency. The two-year field experiment showed that cassava yield and N accumulation are determined by specific genotypes, soil N levels, and year. Among these factors, soil N levels are the main factors that are responsible for differences in cassava yield. When yield and relative N accumulation under low-N conditions were used as screening markers, we identified an efficient and responsive genotype(SC10), and two inefficient and non-responsive genotypes(SC205 and GR5). The efficient and responsive genotype and the inefficient and non-responsive genotype can be used as study materials to further reveal the mechanisms for high-N efficiency in cassava.  相似文献   
China is the world's largest tilapia producer. This study uses the stochastic frontier function in the Cobb–Douglas model to evaluate a production frontier for tilapia aquaculture and analyses the relationship between farm size and production efficiency in China. A random sample of 300 tilapia farmers was surveyed in the main tilapia‐producing areas to study their economic efficiencies. The percentage distribution of tilapia farm technical efficiency was determined, with an average efficiency of 79%, which showed that the sample tilapia farmers operate at 21% below the production frontier and hence that they still have a chance to achieve targeted yields. The technical efficiencies of two categories (≤1 ha and >1 ha) were 78.82% and 79.27% respectively. A second‐stage analysis investigated the relationship between farm size and technical efficiency and showed a positive relationship between farm size and production efficiency based on the ordinary least‐squares model. The optimal farm size was found to be 7.50 ha. This study proposes strategies such as enlarging the farming scale moderately, thereby achieving the advantage of economies of scale, and enhancing the competitiveness of the tilapia industry in China.  相似文献   
林木氮素吸收偏好性及其形成机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
森林土壤中可被林木吸收利用的氮(N)素主要以铵态氮(NH4+-N)和硝态氮(NO3--N)的形态存在。受全球气候变暖、氮沉降和人类活动等因素的影响,NH4+和NO3-的分布存在很大的时间波动性和空间异质性,且NH4+-N和NO3--N亏缺已成为限制林地生产力的主要因素。在森林土壤N亏缺和N异质分布的逆境中,在林木长期进化过程中形成了对不同形态N素的吸收偏好,且这种吸收偏好会随生长环境条件而发生改变。特别是对于NH4+和NO3-这2种主要形态的偏好选择性已被证明是决定林木生产力、竞争、共存和生态演替的重要因素之一。对不同树种在N异质分布环境下的N吸收偏好和形成机制的研究,是揭示林木N素营养遗传特性和提高林地N素利用效率的关键。文中从森林土壤中N的主要形态及其分布特征、林木对不同形态N素的吸收偏好和形成机制、林木N吸收偏好的影响因素3个方面进行总结阐述,并对未来研究方向进行展望,以期为我国人工林培育中不同树种的造林配置和合理N素施肥技术提供理论依据和参考。  相似文献   
本文介绍了泰州地区稻田综合种养模式采用的水稻病虫害绿色高效防控技术,主要包括物理防治、化学防治、生物防治等措施,并结合当地生产实践情况,推荐出低毒安全高效的药剂使用组合,实现了稻田环境的可持续发展。  相似文献   
探讨芝麻不同生育阶段需水特性与干旱灌溉水分生产效率,为芝麻高产栽培的合理灌溉和水分管理提供科学依据,2013-2018年在安徽、新疆等不同地域,选用6个芝麻主栽品种,开展芝麻不同生育阶段需水特性和灌溉水利用研究。结果表明:盆栽芝麻的全生育期蒸腾需水量平均为283.59mm,品种间差异大,形成100kg芝麻籽粒蒸腾需水量为263.56mm(175.7t/666.7m2),苗期、蕾期、初花期、盛花期、终花期、成熟期的蒸腾需水量分别为18.76mm、21.91mm、21.03mm、149.28mm、71.21mm和34.79mm,蒸腾模系数为5.89%、7.21%、6.85%、47.07%、23.93%和9.05%;盛花期最大,出苗期最小。池栽芝麻全生育期需水量531.36mm,其中株间蒸发量、蒸腾量分别占全生育期需水量的46.1%和53.9%;株间蒸发量最大的时期为苗期;蒸腾量最大的时期为花期。芝麻苗期、花期和成熟期需水模系数平均为18.65%、66.79%和14.56%。合肥基地出苗期、临泉基地花期遇旱喷灌,水分生产效率高达0.61kg/m3和0.65kg/m3;新疆精河基地按需滴灌处理比传统滴灌方式的水分生产效率提高43.28%,节水19.61%,这对水资源匮乏的新疆干旱区来说意义重大。芝麻需水量与栽培条件、品种、气温(r=0.99)等密切相关。在芝麻不同生育阶段遇旱灌溉是提高水分生产效率和产量的关键措施之一。  相似文献   
开展城市绿地滞尘效应研究对指导城市绿地建设具有重要科学意义。为了研究城市交通主干道周边绿地的滞尘效应,以太原市森林公园西侧紧邻滨河东路南北长600 m,东西宽100 m的针叶混交林带为研究对象,在林带最西侧与道路交界处设对照点(0 m),由西向东垂直于路面在林带内分别设置20、40、60、80 m 4个监测点,用中流量大气PM2.5采样器(100 L/min)在各点对PM2.5进行日间采样,分析林带内PM2.5浓度的变化特征并计算林带对PM2.5的净化效率。结果表明:1)林带宽度影响其对大气PM2.5的净化效率,从20~60 m的净化效率逐渐提高,80 m处略低于60 m;2)林带对局部空气PM2.5净化效率与区域空气质量呈负相关,当空气质量为优良时,林带可以有效地降低局部PM2.5,当空气质量为中重度污染时,林带20~40 m宽处会聚集较高浓度的PM2.5;3)林带内分时段净化效率显示,9:30-11:00的净化效率最低,12:30-17:00净化效率较高,且15:30-17:00林内PM2.5质量浓度最低,提示该时段适宜市民在公园内活动。  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to compare the grazing efficiency of 30 perennial ryegrass varieties, differing in ploidy and heading date. Plots were grazed by lactating dairy cows and managed under a rotational grazing system with 19 grazing events occurring over two years. Pre-grazing and post-grazing compressed sward heights were measured with a rising plate meter. A mixed model was used to predict the post-grazing sward height of each variety based on year, grazing event, block and pre-grazing sward height. Residual grazed height (RGH) was derived as the difference between the actual and predicted post-grazing sward height and was used as the measure of grazing efficiency. Negative RGH values indicated that the actual herbage removed was greater than that predicted and so indicated a superior grazing efficiency. Varieties differed in their level of grazing efficiency (p < .001), with RGH values ranging from −0.38 to +0.34 cm. Tetraploid varieties exhibited significantly greater grazing efficiency performance than diploids (p < .001), with average RGH values of −0.13 and +0.13 cm respectively. A significant difference in grazing efficiency was found among recommended perennial ryegrass varieties that are not being recorded by mechanically harvested simulated grazing protocols. A variety reappraisal that included grazing efficiency could identify varieties capable of improving on-farm livestock productivity from grass.  相似文献   
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